Income Growth Since 1966 in the US

Has the US tax and transfer system reached an egalitarian ideal? That’s one reading of this new working paper “How Progressive is the U.S. Tax System?” by Coleman and Weisbach. After accounting for all taxes and transfers (red lines in the charts), Americans across the income distribution saw roughly 250% real gains in income since 1966:

While market income has grown faster at the top of the income distribution (especially the top 1%), we also tax the rich heavily and use much of that tax revenue to fund direct transfers to poorer Americans and fund programs (such as Medicaid) which benefit poorer Americans. Put it all together, and everyone has seen similar gains over the past five decades, and these gains are fairly large: no Great Stagnation!

One thought on “Income Growth Since 1966 in the US

  1. Tony June 10, 2024 / 6:47 am

    Apparently spelling “transfer” correctly was too much for them though…


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